Averaging Pitot Tube

Averaging Pitot Tube - Prisma Request a quote


  • Unique profile shape enables high flow rate turn down
  • Dual averaging for better accuracy
  • Suitable for Liquid ,gas and steam flow measurement
  • Repeatability of measurement ± 0.1 %
  • Short upstream and downstream straight pipe lengths
  • Long term accuracy unaffected by wear.


Averaging pitot tubes are generally used for large line
sizes or ducts where other primary devices become
relatively expensive.


Averaging Pitot tube comprises of following components

  • Outer impact tube - one piece construction
  • Internal averaging tube
  • Low pressure chamber
  • Head

Averaging Pitot tube is a multiport self averaging flow meter. It is
a primary element for flow measurement of gas, liquid, vapour in
pipelines and ducts based on the principle of measurement of
differential pressure created when an obstruction is placed in the
fluid flow due to increase in fluid velocity.

  • Datasheet
  • Informations

Download the datasheet répéteur RS422/485 (PDF Averaging Pitot Tube)

You want to get a quote, please click on the link and fill in the form. Note that our prices are digressive according to quantities.


For more information or any specific request, please contact our services. We shall get back to you as soon as possible.